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Integrated control of beet armyworm
Shallow depth, stability seedlings as soon as possible. To maintain strong growth period water level 10CEIl, to the beginning of autumn festival, such as plants are still growing vigorously, should Shaitian cutting roots, inhibition of shoot growth, and promote the formation of bulbs bulbs 5cm enlargement of Piles should always be shallow water. Can not be short of water, without water. Frost before the holiday, the bulbs mature,mbt shoes sale, a time to pests and diseases without water, the lotus root rot disease and mainly aphids. The former can be combined with water chestnuts harvested in winter plowing, soil disinfection with hydrated lime; aphids can be d0% omethoate, Zhu 1:1 mixture of watered down vinegar spray anti-J500 times live. Water chestnuts, the rule object is the main fat white moth. 2whatsup下载安卓手机版 Mi 250g/667m available insecticide spraying watered 50kg. '5 Harvesting and storage in late July when the lotus leaf appeared to terminate. Li received Nenou to the market. L water chestnuts harvested yield l5O0ks/667Ell about I2 month period to the next February, as early harvest low-lying fields, harvesting too late. Skin black. Affect the quality of goods. About the general I750kg/667m production. Lotus root, water chestnuts, Department of Comparative storability, resistanc怎样把介绍信发送到whatsappe movement, sold to other towns to market, Li received the body or when the lotus bulbs should not be washed. Apply thin layer of soil should be properly diluted, anti-dehydration and skin discoloration. -R6 hair together element atmosphere is not integrated control of the beet armyworm Kai Vegetable Division branch in Nanjing Center (210042) c 80 exigua on vegetables in the suburb of Nanjing, only sporadic, I991 twill night in Mindanao after the great flood happened, beets night Occurrence light. ???? 992 ~ 995 years. Exigua sampan IIJcll: I9950830-1 history, male friends try {I -, la, state of whatsapp网页版使用fuel, doorpost Il4:, Jing deleted,mulberry sale, dry clay lump out of 5 South River Church propagation income scratchy Chen Pei boots stripping then arrested, the government the damage of heavy intoxicated like a year year, month 7 to 9 has become a major pest. ??995 in late July to early August an average of 38.5 insects do lines, the amount of 82 million insects implicated. Head up to dry over a serious impact on Qiucai production. For the above, started from early July, following several measures taken have achieved good results. Yangtze River Vegetable 6 5 1996 l forecast,uggs nederland, prevention and treatment for the large area to provide timely forecast is based on strengthening the key to prevention, through the fixed-point and field surveys, predictive Nanjing 3rd generation hatched beet second peak at 8 fl April l5 ~ 20 days, the period of optimum control period,wholesale mac cosmetics, the organization focused on prevention, farmers generally reflect good. 2 to combine agriculture and physical control. ?? combination of thinning to reduce pests, weeds were removed manually picking egg masses or larvae, centralized treatment. ?? Qin Qin irrigation water, deterioration of the ecological environment of beet armywwhatsapp最新版下载安卓版本orm. Through investigation and observation: near the pond, Mizobe or vegetable and rice fielwhatsapp群发软件靠谱吗ds not close to the pest population density or low. If sprinkler irrigation can greatly reduce the population density ?? using black light trapping adults. Bisultap (Taiwan Fertilizer production). Suli Paul (Mill of Yangzhou production biological reality), more than 10 Noble (Japan), 25% quinalphos (Zhejiang Jiaxing production). 10% of the nicotine (six products), samples 1, ?? number (Nanjing, mixed vegetables and Technology Centre) ?? Test object; damage vegetable seedlings in the beet armyworm. ?? Test Method: August 15 counties in six selected villages Longchi Township Longchi a vegetable seedling population density greater, the division of community. Each cell 8m, random order. Repeat 3 times, hand sprayer in the evening around 6 pm to drugs awhatsapp在线翻译gainst 60kg per 667m water spray. Drugs in Table 1. Using random sampling method. 5 points for each search area. Each point is 0. I1m, check live insect population base before spraying, after spraying,tory burch shoes, respectively l, 3,5 d (7d after the drug is not due to rain check) evening around 6 pm screening survey of pharmaceutical residues 3. Ensure the rational, scientific medicine the number of live insects, calculated decrease rate of insect and control effect of the test ?? Pharmacy: 5 chlorfluazuron (made in Switzerland), I8 ?? field experiments in Table 1. Table l The results of several pharmaceutical fields and units: a. As can be seen from Table I 5 chlorfluazuron best. 3d and 5d after the drug control effect of 90 or more, is the lack of a slow-chlorfluazuron. Should be ahead of 2d (days) use; followed by the sample 1, ?? number. On the control effect of 8O%; b. Suggested chlorfluazuron, wow parathion, Suli Paul + dimehypo, nicotine and other pesticides used interchangeably. Delay the beet armyworm resistance 'proposal sample 1, at No. commissioned as soon as possible; do not advocate the routine use of pesticides chlorfluazuron. Large population density in I ~ 2 times can be used. d combination of political pull. Eliminate small ?? owhatsapp显示无法发送sms信息给电话号是什么原因ff early publicity and tec中国手机号注册whatsapphnical training. Allow farmers to understand the living habits and the beet armyworm occurrence. To master playing it as early as small, evening administration, spraying and other control points attentive. ?? leaders at all levels attach great importance to grasp at every level through administrative means responsibility. Grab focus control. ?? the use of biological pesticides awhatsapp群发会被封号吗nd high glaze low toxicity pesticide residue. Non-highly toxic or highly toxic pesticides used on vegetables.
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