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希腊神话中,战神的名字叫阿瑞斯 ares,他的罗马名字叫mars 也就是现在火星的那个英文了。
而拉丁语后来就创出了一个英文名叫: mark 马克 意思就是好战的人
而 ares 英文中是称呼他为 god of wars 的

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LORD OF BATTLE 堕落之神 Fallen Lords

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COMBAT SCORES AND DAMAGEnormal hit chance(%)= attacker combat/attacker+defender combatx100critical hit chance= normal hit/5deathblow=normal hit/10marginal=normal hitx2miss=all whatsapp怎么拉人进群组the rest.Minimum normal hit chance=10%, maximum=90%Minimum critical=2%, maximum critical=10%Minimum Deathblow=1%, maximum deathblow=5%First the engine calculates deathblow chance and rolls for deathblow.If deathblow does not happen it procceeds to criticalIf critical does not happen it procceeds to normalIf normal does not happen it proceeds to marginalIf marginal does not happen it applies miss no matter what.Deathblowwhatsapp下载安卓新版=4x damageCritical=2x damage+special effectNormal=normal damagemarginal=1/2 damagemiss=1 damageCritical hits apply special effects according to their damage type:piercing: ignore armor thus doing full damage under normal circumstancescrushing: stun thus reducing the target's combat to 1 for 5 secondsslashing: cleave thus hitting all surrounding units for a critical hitfire: puts the victim on fire for 30 seconds doing 1 damage per secondice: slows the unit to 1/2 attack and move speedlightning: drains thewhatsapp二维码登陆 target of 50 mana pointsmagic: no effect but magic damage is rarely resistedThese effects happen in addition to the 2x damage of the critical.RANGED COMBAT:Ranged combat normal hit chance is 5% for every combat point of the attacker for immobile targets. Thus combat of 20 means an immobile target is always hit. The normal hit cap and all deriving hit chance is calculated on this normal hit chance.. Miss results in no damage. However, ranged attacks always target the square of the target, not the target itself. If the target is moving the attack may miss depending on the move direction and the moving speed of the target. The result also depends on the projectile's type:Missile projectile: this projectile is relatively fast and is of a physical nature. If anything is on its way it gets hit instead of the initial target if it is either relatively close to the target or the source. If it stands in about the range's middle it does not get hit because the projectile travels in an arc. Moving left or right results in a miss if your speed is higher than the source's comba in absolute number.Ice sphere projectile: relatively fast but slower than missile. Travels in a line thus if anything is between the source and the target it gets hit instead. Moving left or right results in miss and miss is easiler than in missile.Fireball projectile: relatively slow. Straight line travel, miss similar to ice sphere but easier.Boulder projectile: very slow. Arc travel, you get hit if near the source or the target. Miss is very easy. Usually splash damage.Magic Bolt projectile: like fireball, just a bit slower.Poison missile: like missileMagic missile: like missileFirewhatsapp怎样转移聊天记录 missile: like missile but partially ignores missile resistanceMagic bolt: like fireball but a bit slower.Lightning: VERY fast projectile, straight travel, difficult to miss. If sb is between the source and the target nothing happens to them because lightning either hits or misses, it doesn't hit anyone else than the initial tagret. Thus it can't be blocked by meatshields.Black lightning: like lightning.ARMOR/RESISTANCE AND SPECIAL RESISTANCE/VULNERABILITYEvery point of armor until the armor equals the damage halves 1 point of damage rounded up.If the armor exceeds the damage the damage is halved and extra armor is wasted.If the armor is morewhatsapp网页版新手指导 than twice the damage the damage is fourthed.If the armor is more than 4 times the damage the damage is eighted.DAMAGE ARMOR FINAL DAMAGE20............5..........18 (17.5)20............10........1520............20........1020............30........1020............40..........520............80..........3 (2.5)No matter the armor and the initial damage always 1 point of damage is dealt.There are 2 kinds of special resistance and one kind of vulnerability. The 50% resistance halves the damage before armor/resistance is applied. This not only results in 1/2 total damage but sometimes far less than 1/2 damage cause the armor is the same and the damage might be few enough to be fourthed or even eighted. Some units are highly resistant to some damage type. This means that the damage is reduced 5 TIMES before any 50% resistanwhatsapp官网安卓下载安装ce or armor is applied. 50% vulnerability increases damage by 50% before armor/resistance is applied. Most notable example is the skeleton. The skeleton whatsapppc版最新版本号多少has 20 hp whith no experience and 10 armor with no upgrades. It also has 50% piercing resistance, 50% crushwhatsapp网页版用户量排行ing vulnerability and is highly resistant to missiles. Lets say it gets hit by a moonguard filled tower that deals 100 piercing (missile) damage. FDirst the "highly resistant" applies reducing damage by 5 times thus 20. Because the damage is piercing the 50% piercing resistance applies further reducing the damage to 10. Then the 10 armor applies again halving damage for a final 5 damage from the initial 100. Thus with his humble 20 hp the skeleton can endure 3 normal hits from the moonguard-filled tower while a dragon with his 300 hp can also endure 3. That is how valuable resistance is.Now, the same 20 hp skeleton gets hit by a troll that does 20 damage-5 times less than the tower. First the 50% crushing vulnerability applies raising the damage to 30 then the 10 armor applies absorbing 5 damage and resulting in 25 damage which kills the skeleton. The same unit can survive 300 points worth of punishment from a missile tower while it can't survive a single 20 damage hit from a troll. That is how resistances affect the battle.COMBAT MISCELLANEOUS:normal resistance score and magic resistance score work exactly as armora unit's armor is the same vs all forms of damage unless the unit is affected by a special power, spell or upgrade. Same applies to resistance but separately.Magic resistance is ZERO (0) unless the unit is affected by a magic resistance spell or is a hero and has magic resistance skill or magic resistance items.Armor bonuses stack. Same applies to resistance and magic resistance bonuses.Damage bonuses stack unless specifically noted e.g. weaponmaster unit upgrade 1-2Critical cleave affects adjacent flying units even if the unit that dealt the critical can only hit ground units. This is obviously a bug.Criticals, deathblows and marginals/misses affect buildings as though buildings had a combat score of 10 (unless I am very much mistaken). The special effects of the criticals do not apply to buildings though they may apply on surrounding units at the time.There is a special ability called splash damage. Splash damage applies at least a normal hit no matter the target's combat. Misses and marginals are treated as normal hits. Criticals and deathblows may still apply and if they do their special effect applies on all affected units. Splash damage always affects all units adjacent to the square of the attack.Dragons have splash damage and always deal the critical effect even if they don't deal a critical. The damage for their hits applies as in normal splash damage.If a unit has a relatively slow attack speed whatsapp网页版手机版本下载and initiates the attack it deals the hit normally even if thwhatsapp版本过期怎么更新e enemy has moved from its position. This applies to meele combat only. It is an engine limitation, without it a moving unit would be immune to any meele combat (not good).Buildings are vulnerable to fire, normal vs ice, lightning and crushing, resistant to slashing and highly resistant to missiles. They have some armor values that are generally high but I didn't bother checking them out.

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